Eating Seafood After a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Eating Seafood After a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Eating Seafood After a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

There are several guidelines to follow in your journey to recovery and maintaining a healthy lifestyle after a weight-loss surgery. One crucial rule to follow, as advised by your doctor, is a strict diet. Your meals will change to incorporate more vegetables, fruits, fibers, and other vitamins and minerals, but like any other patient post-surgery, you may ask, can I eat seafood after gastric bypass? Read on.

Guidelines When Eating Seafood Post Weight-Loss Surgery

If you love seafood, you don’t have to worry that the procedure will stop you from enjoying your favorite meals. Are you wondering when you can eat seafood after gastric sleeve? Under the guidance of your doctor, seafood is safe to eat during the soft food period, which is 4–6 weeks after surgery. The perfect timing, however, will depend on the individual’s body, the healing rate, and the specific needs. You can start with small servings, and while at it, ensure that you eat slowly and chew thoroughly. In case of any side effects/ reactions, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Best Seafood Options Post-Surgery

For any food, including seafood, the goal is to eat nutrient-packed options that are easy to digest. Avoid fatty and heavily processed meals, but the following options are generally ideal.

  • Salmon: It is rich in proteins, omega-3 acids, and other essential nutrients that promote a healthy heart.
  • Tuna: Apart from omega-3 acids, tuna is an excellent source of lean proteins.
  • Shrimp: It has low calories and is an excellent accompaniment in salads and stir-fries.
  • Tilapia: This is one of the tastiest seafood options if you are going for a low-fat and protein-rich option.
  • Cod: This is another healthy and tasty white fish you can cook in various ways and add to meals for its protein.

Best Way To Prepare Seafood As a Weight-Loss-Surgery Patient

For any meal, the goal when trying to lose weight after surgery is to ensure that the food will be gentle on your digestive system. Instead of deep frying, consider baking, grilling, poaching, steaming, and sauteing your seafood. You will use little or no oil when cooking but retain the perfect fish flavor. You can even experiment with various recipes by adding natural herbs and spices.

Consult Your Doctor for the Perfect Diet

While trying to eat healthy after a gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, remember that diet is tailored to each patient. When and how to eat seafood depends on your body, your medical history, your healing process, and the type of surgery you had. When you consult with a professional like Dr. Jalil, you will gain more insight and have your concerns about your diet addressed.

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