Losing Weight After Bariatric Surgery: A Timeline and Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss

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Many people who have bariatric surgery are excited about their new weight loss journey. This surgical procedure can help a person slim down and lose weight quickly.

However, it’s important to remember that the process of losing weight after bariatric surgery is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time for your body to adjust, and you need to be patient with yourself as well as your doctor or surgeon. In this blog post, we will discuss your expected post-bariatric surgery weight loss timeline and tips for increasing your rate of weight loss following bariatric surgery so you can get back on track faster!

What Is Excess Weight?

Before you lose weight after bariatric surgery, it’s important to know what excess weight is. Excess weight is any additional amount on top of your ideal body weight. Ideal body weight differs for every person depending on their height and gender. Your doctor or surgeon will help you determine the ideal body weight that will allow you to achieve your weight loss goals.

The Typical Post-Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Timeline

The first three months after surgery tend to see the most rapid weight loss. During this time, many will lose as much as 35% of their excess weight. This is because the body responds quickly to the significant changes in stomach capacity, diet, and exercise after bariatric surgery.

Once you are outside those initial three months in the weight loss timeline, shedding pounds tends to slow down a bit. You can still expect to lose weight, but it will likely be at a rate of around one to two pounds per week.

After you hit six months, you might experience plateaus. These are periods where you stop losing weight. However, they typically do not last. Most people will continue to lose weight until after their one-year mark.

Tips for Increasing Your Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Now that you know what to expect when it comes to your weight loss timeline after bariatric surgery in Mexico, here are some tips for increasing your rate of weight loss!

Increase Your Activity Level:

Try walking three times a day. At every mealtime, put your fork down between bites and take a short walk around the block. You can also try to do a small workout or start a new fitness routine that you enjoy, but only if it’s something your doctor would approve of!

Start Eating Mindfully:

As we all know, eating mindlessly is one of the reasons so many people have difficulty losing weight. You can increase your success by learning to eat mindfully! Try putting away the television while you are eating, slow down how quickly you are eating, and avoid distractions like reading or checking social media. Read How to Manage Your Cravings After Weight Loss Surgery for some extra help.

Eat More Protein:

Eating more protein has been shown to have several benefits for people who want to lose weight after bariatric surgery. Protein helps keep you feeling full for a longer time, and it can help build muscle too.

Maintain Your New Diet:

Once you have incorporated the changes to your diet after weight loss surgery, don’t go back to eating unhealthy foods! You will be tempted from time to time, but try not to give in.

Need some diet guidance? Check out Is Intermittent Fasting Safe After Bariatric Surgery?

Of course, having a supportive team is also essential to progress. Allow Dr. Jalil and his staff to be your guides on your weight loss journey. As one of the best bariatric surgeons in Mexico, he is the best leader you could ask for.

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weight loss surgery?