Gastric Bypass & B12 Deficiency: What You Need To Know

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Vitamin B-12 deficiency

After bariatric weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass, your body will go through some changes. The amount of food you can consume is less and you also have less stomach acid.

Aside from that, you’ll need to eat properly in order to help your body heal and adjust to its new digestive strategies. That being said, if you do it the right way, you can lose fat while continuing to become more lean.

Ultimately, this is helpful to your overall health. One of the most important parts of healthy nutrition after gastric bypass is vitamin B12. Let’s talk about the importance of this vitamin and how to make sure you get the right amount in your diet.

Vitamin B12 After Gastric Bypass

One of the common side effects after bariatric surgery is nutritional deficiency. This occurs from not getting the right vitamins and neutrals into your daily diet. And gastric bypass surgery restricts your stomach and creates a smaller pouch.

This is what helps you feel less hunger and eat less overall, but it also means you absorb fewer nutrients. But don’t worry, if you get the right nutrients in your diet like vitamin B12, you can avoid this issue.

How Gastric Bypass Works

Gastric bypass is the most popular type of bariatric surgery. Dr. Jalil, your weight loss surgeon, will divide your stomach and create a smaller pouch. Then your surgeon will connect the new smaller pouch to your small intestine.

You will ultimately consume fewer calories because you will feel full much faster. You also have less gastric acid, leading to fewer nutrient absorption. Ultimately you’ll need to take certain supplements as part of your daily habit going forward.

B12 Deficiency After Gastric Bypass

There is a connection between gastric bypass and vitamin b12 deficiencies. There’s something in your stomach called the gastric mucosa. This is a thin layer that helps you absorb vitamin B12.

Since you have less gastric acid after a bypass, it won’t absorb as much B12 as before. This can result in B12 deficiency.

The Problems Of B12 Deficiency

If you aren’t getting enough B12, it can cause several issues with your body such as red blood cell problems, nervous system, DNA, and anemia. You may even feel fatigued.

It’s important to consume extra vitamin B12 for anywhere between 3 and 5 years after your bariatric surgery. Of course, consulting with your surgeon is the best way to understand how much you need.

But even if you feel fine at first, you should always be supplementing this for several years after your procedure.

B12 Supplementation

There are nasal sprays, tablets, and even chewables that have B12 in them. You should aim for around 350 to 1,000 mcg after bariatric surgery every single day. Your doctor will help you identify some specific vitamins for bariatric patients.

Understand that your blood work and other medical factors could influence how much B12 is appropriate for you.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery Today

If you’re considering gastric bypass in Tijuana, Dr. Jalil can help. Let the experts in weight loss surgery in Mexico consult you on your options. Educate yourself on losing weight safely, quickly, and for the long run. Plus, learn about vitamin B12 and other healthy lifestyle changes post-op as well.

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