How Long Is Recovery After Gastric Bypass?

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Recovery after gastric bypass

A lot of people today are looking into getting gastric bypass in Tijuana. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective and safe ways to effectively lose pounds both short term and long term.

However, a lot of people find themselves wondering “how long does it take to heal from gastric bypass?” While any kind of procedure will have a recovery period, it’s important to know what timeline you can expect.

That way you can plan your schedule around your operation. So in this post, let’s answer that question once and for all.

How Long Is The Recovery For Gastric Bypass Surgery?

After you get gastric bypass surgery, you’ll probably need to spend a day in the hospital. After that, you should be able to get back to normal activity and work after a couple of weeks. Keep in mind though, that for strenuous activity, it may take a little bit longer.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Gastric Bypass Surgery For Intense Activity?

If you want to start doing more intense cardio, exercise, or other activities, you should wait 4-6 weeks. This will allow your wounds to heal and your body to adjust better to strenuous activity.

The Benefits Of Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a surgery that reduces the size of your stomach. And how much weight can you lose after gastric bypass surgery? Gastric bypass surgery can cause you to lose 50 or even 100% of your excess weight. But you can keep this weight off for good for several decades.

Bypass Recovery Tips

As you’re recovering, understand that you may experience those side effects like fatigue, mood changes, and bowel movements. So in these first couple weeks and months, ensure to eat a diet that’s full of protein and low on acid.

This will help your new stomach adjust during the healing period. Also ensure to drink plenty of water. The more hydrated you are, the easier it is for your body to heal and the less likely you’ll experience negative side effects. In addition, avoid foods like sugar and starch.

These can cause inflammation, which will be detrimental to your recovery process. Additionally, follow up with your doctor or surgeon after the procedure. They may suggest that you take particular vitamins or minerals as a supplement.

Read more recovery tips here.

Summary — How Long Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Take To Recover?

Bariatric bypass surgery is something that lets you experience lifelong changes, but you need to also take care of yourself — and recovery can last a few weeks to a few months. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss.  So if you’re ready to crave less junk food, lose more weight, and be happy with how you look in the mirror, contact Dr. Jalil Illan Fraijo today. Find out your options for bariatric weight loss surgery and the new life you deserve.

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