Is There An Age Limit For Weight Loss Surgery?

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Is There An Age Limit For Weight Loss Surgery?

Undergoing bariatric surgery is something that you should investigate thoroughly beforehand. Consulting with a weight loss surgeon like those at Dr. Jalil’s Tijuana bariatric center is an excellent first start.

There are certain qualifications you must meet in order to undergo weight loss operations. This is to ensure the health and safety of the patient. One of those is age. So this leads many people to ask the question, “How old do you have to be to get weight loss surgery?”

Let’s address that once and for all in the article below. You’ll learn what age you need to be. That way, you can start taking the first step toward achieving your weight goals.

The Benefits Of Weight Loss Surgery

If you do qualify age-wise for bariatric surgery, there are plenty of benefits to consider. Some of these include:


Obesity and weight affect your ability to live longer. In general, obese people have shorter lifespans.

This is due in part to the fact that it contributes to higher levels of heart disease, obesity, and other health complications. Therefore, by losing weight, you can directly extend your life.

Youthful Vigor

As we age, it gets more difficult to maintain that childlike energy that we once had. However, you can reverse the aging process to an extent by losing weight with the right surgery.

As your body has to work less to carry around extra weight and fat, it is left with more energy to do everything else in your life. From spending time with your family, to engaging in outdoor activities, and anything else you can think of, you ultimately feel energized to do more.


The way we look and the way we feel about ourselves is intricately linked. If you want to increase your self-esteem, then getting weight loss surgery can be safe, and a big boost of self-esteem.

Is There An Age Limit For Bariatric Surgery?

The reality is there are some age limits for bariatric surgery. Let’s take a look at what is recommended versus what should be avoided regarding weight loss surgery age restrictions.

Someone between the ages of 18 and 65 qualifies for bariatric surgery. While there may be some exceptions to the rule, this is a general guideline.

For someone who might be older than 65, you should talk with your surgeon. Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible to undergo an operation.

Learn More About Weight Loss Surgery Today

If you have questions around weight loss surgery, age restrictions to diet, and more, Dr. Jalil can help.

Schedule a consultation by reaching out to our office today. You deserve to know all the facts when it comes to your health and weight.

Am I eligible for
weight loss surgery?